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czwartek, 22 października 2015


Handmade By Kalypso's Doll Boutique Ebay:Kalyinny: http://p7.storage.canalblog.com/73/33/766535/97726626.jpg
Kalypso's Doll Boutique Handmade Ensembles Ebay Seller: Kalyinny: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: http://tutprosto.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/c588bf3b87b5bfdc9d708126c3b742f6/7/6/7663951-54004.png Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: Little Darling Doll by Dianna Effner: Dianna Effners's Little Darling: DIANNA EFFNER - GRACE: https://images.otto.de/asset/mmo/formatz/bayer-puppe-designer-girl-mit-blumenkleid-46-cm-10181607.jpg Adora Doll: .Adora: https://images.otto.de/asset/mmo/formatz/bayer-puppe-designer-girl-mit-dirndl-46-cm-10538046.jpg Fantasy Flowers for Effner Little Darlings: B.DIANNA EFFNER: Last Day Luncheon - for Effner Little Darlings by Dress*Ups by pj, via Flickr  Such sweet dolls and a beautiful outfit!: http://www.dressydolly.com/pj/images/EFF/EFFproperfullbearbag.jpghttp://img.class.posot.com.br/pt_br/2015/03/30/Boneca-Adora-Doll-Mon-Cheri-Shiny-Toys-20150330104412.jpghttp://www.sendatoy.com.au/store/pc/catalog/Gotz-doll-1490364.jpgSemi Sweet Treat for Effner Little Darlings by Dress*Ups by pj, via Flickr: Adora Dolls: love the colors, love the embroidery!: Pretty Dianna Effner Emily: adora dolls: Spring Daydreams, via Flickr.  Dress and hat for Dianna Effner Little Darling doll.: Sunday Best - for Dianna Effner's Little Darlings | Flickr: Intercambio de fotos: Adora dolls seasons | ADORA DOLL * *ADORA PIN-A-FOUR SEASONS* 20' VINYL DOLL*4 OUTFITS* NEW ...: Chance of Flurries for the Effner Little Darlings | Flickr: Intercambio de fotos: Little Darlings doll by Dianna Effner: Spring Fresh - Skirt | Flickr: Intercambio de fotos: Spring Fresh: https://www.stihi.ru/pics/2011/06/26/1642.jpg In the Garden..for Little Darlings | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: B.DIANNA EFFNER: Adora dolls seasons | ADORA DOLL * *ADORA PIN-A-FOUR SEASONS* 20' VINYL DOLL*4 OUTFITS* NEW ...: love the hat: 8LD by Tomi Jane, via Flickr: .Dianna Effner: "Butterfly Garden" Smocked Dress Ensemble for Effner 13" Little Darlings Dolls | eBay: Effner Little Darling: More Little Darlings - Kuwahi Dolls: DRESS,HAT&SHOE SET MADE FOR EFFNER LITTLE DARLING,TONI P90 &SIMILAR SIZE13" DOLL: Dress set made For Effner Little Darling Dolls: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: 11LD1 by Tomi Jane, via Flickr: Adorable as always Diana Effner Doll, in dress by Tomi Jane: Emily, a 13" Dianna Effner Little Darling: WORLD DOLL Effner: Little Darling Doll: Doll by Dianna Effner: Little Darling Doll by Dianna Effner: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits.: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: Young Love for the 13" Effner Little Darlings: In the Garden..for Little Darlings | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: Effner Little Darlings Pink Overalls | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: Winter | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: fall5 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: Winter1 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: blue4 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: green3 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: Flickr - Photo Sharing!: .Dianna Effner: American Girl doll clothes | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: turquise2 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: blue_white4 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: green5 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: Irish Lass | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg298/carolyn660/Toys%20Dolls%20Bears/EELittleMommyBohoChic_zps081f9f2c.jpg Peachy Keen for Efffner Little Darling | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: FloraBunda for Effners Little Darling by Dress*Ups by pj, via Flickr: Pretend Posies - for Effner Little Darlings by Dress*Ups by pj, via Flickr: DIANNA EFFNER: http://www.disy.es/media/upload/image/Back%20to%20School%20-%20Mu%C3%B1ecas%20Adora%20Dolls,%20bonecas,%20poupees,%20bambole,%20bambola.jpg http://www.iheartthemart.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/american-girl-clothes-amazon.png pink and brown: http://www.ecompletocdn.com.br/i/fp/248/115457_1.jpg Summer BLUE - ems - for Effner Little Darlings by Dress*Ups by pj, via Flickr: http://www.everything-princesses.com/images/P/Royal%20Pink%20Doll%20dress.png The Allure of Apples - for Effner Little Darlings by Dress*Ups by pj, via Flickr: Primary A*B*Cs - for Effner Little Darlings by Dress*Ups by pj, via Flickr: http://images.tcdn.com.br/img/img_prod/104756/16023_1_20130724123450.jpeg March Winds - Fits Effner Little Darlings by Dress*Ups by pj, via Flickr: pink brown and olive: http://www.gemasbrasil.com.br/images/thumbs/0004471.jpeg luluzinha kids ❤ bonEcas - burgundy5: Alyssia Kaye as a Redhead: Alyssia in Red: flowers9: blue_pink3: DIANNA EFFNER: B.DIANNA EFFNER: OOAK Outfit for Dolls Little Darlings Effner 13" | eBay: Ooak Outfit FOR Dolls Little Darlings Effner 13" | eBay: OOAK OUTFIT FOR DOLLS Little Darlings Effner 13" in | eBay: OOAK Outfit for Dolls Little Darlings Effner 13 034 | eBay: http://scene7.targetimg1.com/is/image/Target/14430810?wid=480&hei=480 OOAK Outfit for Dolls Little Darlings Effner 13 034 | eBay: OOAK OUTFIT FOR DOLLS Little Darlings Effner 13": https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8b/7f/3a/8b7f3a824f4f1d7f168dab5dec38efc4.jpg http://brinquedoslaura.vteximg.com.br/arquivos/ids/204171-1000-1000/20907.jpg http://i0.wp.com/www.idreamofjeannemarie.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/CIMG2569.jpg http://i5.walmartimages.com/dfw/dce07b8c-4ad1/k2-_7ce997f1-9dff-4162-92cb-246a0ce8a6d7.v1.jpg https://img1.etsystatic.com/067/0/7515621/il_570xN.752796957_h9s4.jpg https://cindyricedesigns.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/p1120895web.jpg Tomi Jane's Diana Effner doll with dress designed by Kathy Weiland: http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5579/14712990628_872e0c2705.jpg DIANNA EFFNER: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1219/5164502765_a69ff1a303.jpg http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6132/5978253125_e3796b7c3a.jpg DIANNA EFFNER: B.DIANNA EFFNER: B.DIANNA EFFNER: Last Day Luncheon - for Effner Little Darlings by Dress*Ups by pj, via Flickr  Such sweet dolls and a beautiful outfit!: B.DIANNA EFFNER: brown13: jolie poupée: Fantasy Flowers for Effner Little Darlings: http://www.poupees.fr/paola-reina-poupee-blonde-conchi-36cm-ref-pa08260.jpg http://p0.storage.canalblog.com/05/02/766535/104060433.jpg http://p0.storage.canalblog.com/09/61/766535/102738630.jpg http://i.mlcdn.com.br/1500x1500/boneca-adora-shimmer-and-shineadora-doll-080209900.jpg Rikky......Angela Sutter Dolls: Pernelle-Diane Effner_Little Darling 05: Flowers & Sunshine, an OOAK outfit for Dianna Effner's Little Darlings dolls.: Arlene ' Dolls - Angela Sutter Bebek: http://p8.storage.canalblog.com/89/22/1209795/101813782_o.jpg Arlene's Dolls - Angela Sutter Dolls: http://p0.storage.canalblog.com/09/74/944781/85945173_o.jpg Handknitted OUTFIT for LITTLE DARLING doll - 13 inches (Dianna Effner) - New: Handknitted OUTFIT for LITTLE DARLING doll - 13 inches (Dianna Effner) - New: http://i.mlcdn.com.br/1500x1500/sweet-parfaitadora-doll-212029500.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b4/e0/25/b4e0257e55e28ef774b23ec76adfc4b5.jpg
Arlene's Dolls - Angela Sutter Dolls:
http://i.mlcdn.com.br/1500x1500/boneca-adora-up-up-and-away-girladora-doll-080207500.jpg http://p2.storage.canalblog.com/21/25/766535/59667124.jpg Arlene's Dolls - Angela Sutter Dolls: Arlene's Dolls - Angela Sutter Dolls: http://i.mlcdn.com.br/1500x1500/sugar-rushadora-doll-212029700.jpg Dianna Effner 13 IN Little Darling: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/bd/5f/1d/bd5f1d64f59a869640f7c4933ba11e7d.jpg Little Darling dolls: Arlene's Dolls - Angela Sutter Dolls: B.DIANNA EFFNER: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: Handmade By Kalypso's Doll Boutique Ebay:Kalyinny: AvtorskoKukolnoe | Angela Sutter. Comments: LiveInternet - Russian Service Online Diaries: АвторскоКукольное|Angela Sutter.. Комментарии : Дневники на КП: By Kalypso's Doll Boutique Ebay: Kalyinny: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gkYgjBcba80/VPL3uFVgv4I/AAAAAAAAC4g/PjhqYBK6LHY/s1600/2.png Handmade Ensembles Ebay Seller: Kalyinny: EFFNER LITTLE DARLING DOLLS HANDMADE CLOTHES: Dress for Kidz n Cats doll . by Symidollsclothes on Etsy: АвторскоКукольное|Angela Sutter.. Комментарии : Дневники на КП: Dress for Kidz n Cats doll . by Symidollsclothes on Etsy: Angela Sutter: Dress for Kidz n Cats doll .: Aileen by Angela Sutter: Angela Sutter doll: Kalypso's Doll Boutique Handmade Ensembles(Ebay seller kalyinny): Kalypso's Doll Boutique Handmade Ensembles Ebay Seller: Kalyinny: Handmade By Kalypso's Doll Boutique Ebay:Kalyinny: Angela Sutter Dolls: https://images.otto.de/asset/mmo/formatz/puppe-bayer-design-designer-girl-anna-8085863.jpg Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits.: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits.(Ebay seller kalyinny) Yellow n grey combo ... Cute: Angela doll: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: Angela doll: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: http://c1.q-assets.com/images/products/p/qj/qj-1262_1z.jpg Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits:

Kalypso's Doll Boutique Handmade Ensembles Ebay Seller: Kalyinny: Kalypso's Doll Boutique Handmade Ensembles(Ebay seller kalyinny): Kalypso's Doll Boutique Handmade Ensembles Ebay Seller: Kalyinny: OOAK Outfit for Dolls Little Darlings Effner 13" | eBay: Kalypso's Doll Boutique Handmade Ensembles Ebay Seller: Kalyinny: OOAK Outfit for Dolls Little Darlings Effner 13 034 | eBay: http://www.papiton.de/Bilder/Detail/kaethe-kruse-28201.jpg Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/9812/119583940.203/0_bfeb9_d2e6419d_L.jpg Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits.: OOAK Outfit for Dolls Little Darlings Effner 13 034 | eBay: Beautiful smocked outfit for 13" Dianna Effner Little Darling dolls: Little Darling Doll by Dianna Effner: http://batecabeca.com.br/wp-content/uploads/imgext/foto-2012-10-02-17-59-52--624996252-Batecabeca.jpg http://ep.yimg.com/ay/yhst-12761654692319/46-emily-blonde-by-monika-peter-leicht-masterpiece-dolls-bpl-1037-pre-order-17.jpg Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: http://ep.yimg.com/ay/yhst-12761654692319/2013-pedal-pusher-20-adora-charisma-toddler-time-babies-doll-8.jpg Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits.: http://www.papiton.de/Bilder/Detail/kaethe-kruse-puppe-32101.jpg Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits.: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits:  Angela doll: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits.: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits.: Kalypso's Doll Boutique Handmade Ensembles Ebay Seller: Kalyinny: Kalypso's Doll Boutique Handmade Ensembles Ebay Seller: Kalyinny: B.DIANNA EFFNER:
Angela Sutter:
http://www.univers-poupees.com/produits/cow1103/cow1103_zoom.jpg251 Кукла Адора Соловей Adora Doll Chriphttps://www.toniscollectibles.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/a/d/adora-baby-dolls-watermelon-wishes.jpg Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits. SOLD for $82.00 on 2/8/15: BROWN1 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: red4 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: http://www.atl-lich.ru/d/356895/d/rk596-kukla-zhanna-1-so-zvukom-36-sm-gov.png luluzinha kids ❤ bonecas ❤: Angela Sutter: Angela Sutter: burgundy5: lace socks: http://irecommend.ru/sites/default/files/product-images/23428/ciizlmom__b2.png Little Darling by Dianna Effner.: http://www.comprafari.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/650x650/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/1/_/1_57_50_1.jpg Pink & Lace, a 5-piece OOAK ensemble for Dianna Effner's Little Darling dolls. The sweater is hand knit in lace weight merino/silk yarn to produce a fine gauge sweater. A lace pattern prettily decorates the sweater and sleeves.: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/37/b2/7b/37b27b760b7ffd2e5fc654d4f111605b.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5d/3c/8f/5d3c8f150fea0f8fc15d86b7cba6566a.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/35/8d/cb/358dcb184c5f44909b7576b75193abcf.jpg Floriane.....Angela Sutter Dolls: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f1/95/67/f19567314670f2b651e68023684f72b8.jpg http://momconfessionals.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/littlemommy_asian.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/95/f9/07/95f907434d8eaa430bdf4677e2261ee5.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ad/cb/66/adcb66c4f90935498a4fd464cfcd3b28.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4c/b4/38/4cb438f5492c2b2e506746fb2c24c340.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/bd/30/4f/bd304fca945e58832fbf4f46cd943190.jpg CIMG7069 CIMG7948 CIMG0985 http://static.shopping-all.hu/images/17/08eb/1708ebe19042b37a0689c8531c181ba81362567196/lalka-goetz-cosy-aquini-lalka-z-niebieskimi-oczami-blond-wlosami-o-wysokosci-33-cm-gz-1316056-3_p127429.jpeg CIMG1937 http://b-lekmer-363630.c.cdn77.org/1112893/my-friend-cayla-dukke.jpg CIMG2971 http://static.shopping-all.hu/images/ff/d859/ffd8598e89e7cbef02a66e75c5284c981362567192/lalka-gotz-muffin-lalka-z-niebieskimi-oczami-blond-wlosami-33-cm-1_p127421.jpeg http://www.idreamofjeannemarie.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/CIMG1857.jpg http://www.harald-nyborg.dk/images/800/5943.jpg Suds 'N Me** Outfit for 13" Effner Little Darling Dolls http://static.shopping-all.hu/images/d6/02d1/d602d1751f38bdaef88373357fa054601397048514/lalka-gotz-muffin-lalka-z-niebieskimi-oczami-blond-wlosami-33-cm-2_p211756.jpeg Little Darling Effner Doll 13 Snow Much Fun - for Dianna Effner's Little Darlings by Dress*Ups by pj: http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNTYz/z/GVwAAOxyNmZTlHol/$_59.JPG?set_id=880000500F Caramel Confection for Dianna Effner Little Darlings by Dress*Ups by pj, via Flickr: http://static.shopping-all.hu/images/32/89a2/3289a2d3c3a65b418690b2dca1f233d81397047931/lalka-gotz-muffin-lalka-z-brazowymi-oczami-i-brazowymi-wlosami-33-cm_p211754.jpeg Dianna Effner: http://i1.wp.com/www.idreamofjeannemarie.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/CIMG1502.jpg?resize=800%2C800 Effner Little Darlings: "Apple Season", made for Dianna Effner's Little Darling dolls, cindyricedesigns.com .: HomeMade Fabulous Doll Outfit!: Cindy Rice clothes for Little Darlings dolls: Softly Spring, an 8-pce. ensemble for Dianna Effner's Little Darling dolls, dress is sewn out of washed cotton chambray with hand embroidered motifs, Cindy Rice Designs.: "Sweethearts & Roses", a hand knit and embroidered sweater dress ensemble made for Dianna Effner's Little Darling dolls, cindyricedesigns.com: Little Darling Doll by Dianna Effner: OOAK Embroidered & Knitted Ensemble for Effner 13" Little Darling Dolls: turquise2 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: http://www.easytoys.cz/fotky/panenka-evicka-hello-kitty-pyjamaparty-2-druhy-H006207-172029.jpg green3 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: OOAK Outfit for doll 13" Dianna Effner Little Darling hand made: marine5 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: Outfit for Little Darlings Dianna Effner 13": 4 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: https://www.walmart.com.mx/images/products/img_large/00074677514115l.jpg gray_blue2 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!: Outfit for doll 13" Dianna Effner Little Darling hand made: orange_blue2: "Hello Kitty" Outfit for Dianna Effner's 13" Little Darling Dolls: http://i.mlcdn.com.br/1164x770/boneca-adora-blooming-heartsadora-doll-080207400.jpg blue2: kitty dress for Little Darling, Effner 13, Dianna Effner, Betsy McCall: B.DIANNA EFFNER: Effner Little Darling Aqua Mist Dress With by ThisandThatCreations: Silk-Antique-Lace-DRESS-13-Dianna-Effner-Little-Darling-Dolls-House-of-Bleus. Ends 9/30/14 with BIN of $129.95. Sold for reduced BIN of $119.95 on 9/28/14: http://static.shopping-all.hu/images/0e/c5c7/0ec5c7a3324ef020d1002ff136ec36b01362567158/lalka-gotz-mia-lalka-z-niebieskimi-oczami-blond-wlosami-27-cm_p127384.jpeg Effner Little Darling Take My Hand Dress by ThisandThatCreations: B.DIANNA EFFNER: Sugarplum /  Dress for Dianna Effner's 13 by LittleDarlingDuds: Dianna Effner 13" Little Darlings Bathing Beauties dress: *Paris Poodle* by Ladybug Doll Desigs. Sold for $41.00 on 8/31/13: https://images.tcdn.com.br/img/img_prod/397727/1619_1_20141028012752.jpg doll clothes- outfit idea: Dress and Hat for 13" Dianna Effner Little Darling: doll: https://img0.etsystatic.com/001/0/5605407/il_570xN.354121220_ak5k.jpg Knitted outfit for 13" Effner Little Darling dolls: https://img1.etsystatic.com/056/0/5605407/il_570xN.705209975_4mxd.jpg Our Little Darling by Dianna Effner crocheted doll by quadesisters: http://www.pinterest.com/ladyarwen/doll-clothing/ Over 2,000 pins, beautiful doll clothes. MANY links to free patterns. Not this one, but would be cute AG: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: https://img1.etsystatic.com/023/0/5605407/il_570xN.579192725_6hm7.jpg Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: Maybe I can make a similar outfit for AG dolls...: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: https://img0.etsystatic.com/000/0/5605407/il_570xN.296017472.jpg http://i.mlcdn.com.br/1500x1500/boneca-adora-my-heartadora-doll-080206800.jpg https://img1.etsystatic.com/000/0/5605407/il_570xN.247486549.jpg cream4 (Connie Rempel): http://farm8.static.flickr.com/7281/16757326571_5e2ac3ced7.jpg Knitted dress; could be AG: Effner pink8: B.DIANNA EFFNER: Little Darling Doll by Dianna Effner: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: DIANNA EFFNER: http://www.jeujouethique.com/media/catalog/product/cache/8/image/650x650/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/p/o/poupee-paula-804-espagne.jpg Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits.: DIANNA EFFNER: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: DIANNA EFFNER: HomeMade Fabulous Doll Outfit!: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjXKsk4Srn6Fc2wCf2I5yO3PVXtTuPK8-mpoaValO_kaKHz2irk6sQAYHCE8SPzbrMC7xv4StHhjDSnP1eD-GWn5eUGNN-rUS2smRQb7tZZ7xlxFrDlDeZyOoi98ku9ptFVogUPyS7jzZju/s400/Boneca_Adora_20916_Adora_Doll_Bonecas.jpg https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiSsrhOZLwDRk3UmaP3ciNdZB1JckZ4n0I1A664Clb0qF1gf6b7fY8vi0m2P4xJuBwoVsbyWsJeVQj-oU5M2RG868athRzhvzEoRNCv0xfmDlSHm5fEXIp16yHkChz153ALiERHYppoZ34/s1600/IMG_6583.jpg Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits.: HomeMade Fabulous Doll Outfit!: EFFNER LITTLE DARLING DOLLS HANDMADE CLOTHES Handmade By Kalypso's Doll Boutique Ebay:Kalyinny: B.DIANNA EFFNER: Pinks and greys - you can't beat it! #dressadoll #dolls #clothes: Handmade By Kalypso's Doll Boutique Ebay:Kalyinny: Kalypso's Doll Boutique Handmade Ensembles Ebay Seller: Kalyinny: .: http://www.pattycakedoll.com/files/480019/uploaded/Adora%20Playtime%20Baby%20Biracial.jpg green3: Little Darling Doll by Dianna Effner: Stils. green3: Kalypso's Doll Boutique Handmade Ensembles Ebay Seller: Kalyinny: Ooak Outfit FOR Dolls Little Darlings Effner 13" | eBay: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits: "A Vision in Pink", a handmade ensemble for Dianna Effner's Little Darling dolls. cindyricedesigns.com: Effner Little Darling Dolls Handmade Outfits:

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